Thousands of acres of forest are being cut down to make room for palm oil plantations in Borneo, and it’s having a devastating effect on the environment, particularly the orang-utans.
A lot of locals that are involved in the deforestation are unaware of the disastrous consequences that they’re having an impact on, they’re uneducated and misinformed.
So I asked myself: How could you explain the issue of deforestation to the locals of Borneo who are unable to understand our language?
My outcome is a visual representation of deforestation, focusing on the fact that when we remove the trees, we are disrupting the animals and their habitats.
The problem with communicating with the locals of Borneo is the language barrier. That’s why it’s purely a visual representation, communicating the problem in the simplest way possible.
You have to manually turn the pages, which symbolises the human touch, a subtle reminder that it’s humans that are causing the problem.